Kreig and Ashley flew us down for their fun beach wedding at Bahai Mar in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. This trip was so much fun! We flew down on a Saturday, everyone hung out for dinner that evening, and then we were all awake at 5:30am to start the day on Sunday. Their ceremony was in the morning with a cozy brunch afterwards and we all went on a 7 day cruise to the Bahamas that afternoon.

We started off the morning with this beautiful sunrise.

Kreig was taking some time to enjoy the view and think about what this day mean to him.

This was right after her dad saw her for the first time. This photo gets me every dang time.

How freaking cute are these two?! And her smile!! Soooo pretty!

The weather is super humid in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. So we decided to cool off and take a few photos inside super fast then run outside for more. We started here with these huge windows.

Bahai Mar has this awesome walkway that goes above the highway and straight to the beach. We ran down there for a bit before their family formals.

The way he makes her smile. 🙂

This little (he only looks little in the photo, he was freaking huge!) made a couple appearances for us while we took photos at the hotel.

These boys are hilarious and wanted a more ‘model’ type photo.

How sweet is her grandmother?

I wanted to show you what the entire scene looked like here. Bahai Mar hotel is the white building in the back ground and the music crew are on the left.

I love his reaction to the first kiss!

This still makes me laugh every time. They were trying to scare Kreig and Ashley.

This lifeguard was so cool and jumped into a photo for us for kicks and giggles.

The perfect pick her up photo to end before we headed to brunch.

After the beach photos we headed back to the hotel to have a lovely brunch with everyone.

We had to do at least one silly one with everyone who attended.
Venue: Bahai Mar Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Bride’s Dress: Amore Bridal and Tuxedo. It’s a David Tutera.
Bride’s Jewelry: Eskews. They handmade the earrings from pieces of the bracelet.
Groom’s Attire: JCPenney
See yourself in these photos? Want photos just like these? My passport is ready to go and I’m only a flight away. Contact me here so we can talk more.